Tuesday, 18 December 2012



Alhamdulillah we meet again. Before we proceed to our topic which is related to the photo above..let me tell you something else about myself. I'm new to this blogging and stuff. So at the moment, I really don't know how to design my blog so that it will look much more attractive and pleasant. Hrmmmm...lots of things for me to learn but nevertheless I'll try my best to upgrade this blog to the best I can do :) .

Okay back to the photo above...those are the guidelines to the proper way of dressing as Muslimah. Like it or not..we must comply! Of course it is hard for some people...don't look far...I take myself as an example. I didn't cover myself until the age of 36. I was aware that it is sinful not to cover and now I've my regrets.

1) The head cover or tudung must be long enough to cover your neck and your 
    chest. It must not be made from a transparent material.

2) Your sleeves must be long enough to cover the whole arm till your wrist. 
    Wearing an inner is a good additional choice as sometimes your sleeves  
    might roll up.

3) Your shirt or dress must be loose and long enough to cover your thigh. Must 
     not be transparent.

4) Your skirt or pants must be loose and long until it covers your ankle.

5) Socks must be worn.

6) Shoes - up to you...flat heels or stiletto heels...as long as the sole of your 
    shoes doesn't make any loud sound while you're walking. Go for rubber 

There you go, only 6 basic steps on what to wear. These are the guidelines. Of course you can wear something trendy as long as you go according to these guidelines.

Well, are we abiding these guidelines then? Look into the mirror each time before you step out from your house and go through your checklist. InsyaAllah you'll not do any mistakes.

This reminder is not only for you, but for myself as well.

Any additional info are welcome to be shared among us. Of course what I have here is just the basic. And we shall discuss more in my next post, InsyaAllah :)

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