Wednesday, 26 December 2012



Let me introduce myself. My name is Sakura Islam. This blog is for us to discuss about Muslimah and fashion. There are so many misunderstanding about what to wear and what not to wear. So I guess this is the place where we can openly discuss without prejudice towards each other. It is merely a place for discussion, giving opinion, giving advise in order to gain more knowledge and understanding.

Take it in a positive way. Everyday is a learning process. We might did or do mistakes before, now or in the future...but with a little help from all the friends around you...we can make the difference. 

I really welcome any topic for discussions, any questions that I hope we can sort it out together (2 heads are better than 1) or any comments. 

I never say that I'm very good in Islamic teaching. I am myself struggling to understand and I found out that going to 'Usrah' (classes) helps a lot and discussing with friends as well. I would like to have a discussion place where you can pop out anything in your head 24/7, at anytime without having to leave home. That's why, I think by having a blog like this, it is all that I ever wanted.

I want Muslimah around the world to become fashionable and yet never go against the Islamic teaching.  There are so many mistakes are being done out there, MasyaAllah, can't blame them, it's every Muslim's responsibilities to highlight about the mistakes and I hope, together, we can do it.

Till my next post. Assalamualaikum.

P/S Excuse for my not so good English. But I guessed it's ok, not an English exam after all..hahaha..


Assalamualaikum to ALL,

Start your day with Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim and a smile. InsyaAllah, the day will be a happy one. 

To continue our previous discussion. Please refer to the pictures below:-

Picture 5

Referring to the photo above, back in my country Malaysia, this fashion is quite normal to be seen. Pity them who really didn't understand the meaning of Islamic code of dress.

4 mistakes here :-

1. The khimar (head cover) is not covering the chest area.

2. The shirt is too fitting and too short.

3. The pants is too tight.

4. Not wearing socks.

Picture 6

3 mistakes here :-

1. The sleeves are short. Please be reminded that the sleeves must cover the   
    hands. Only the palms and the fingers can be exposed.

2. The slit for the skirt. The slit will reveal the legs especially when you 
    started walking. Wearing a panty-hose with this type of skirt is also 
    forbidden. Even though the panty-hose will cover your leg, it is still wrong 
    and not allowed.

3. Not wearing socks.

There you go. I know that many of you have seen all types of fashion that is wrongly worn by Muslimah. Do not put your distance just because they misinterpreted the meaning of Hijab or Islamic code of dress. We have to get close to them and be their friends. By becoming their friends, we might show them a good example of Hijab and maybe later on can advise them regarding the right way of Hijab.

Ok, we've reached at the end for today's post. Got to go now. Duty calls :). See you in my next post. Assalamualaikum.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012



We meet again. We're continuing to discuss about the common mistakes in covering ourselves as Muslimah.

Picture 3

Only 1 mistake here that is the khimar (head cover) is not long enough to cover the chest area. The sleeves are ok. The skirt - long enough and loose. Surah An Nur (24:31) in the Quran states, "They (the believing women) should draw their head coverings over their bosoms..."

Picture 4

3 mistakes here :-

1. The blouse is a tight fitting until you can see the curves of the woman's body.

2. The blouse is too short. 

3. The sleeves are short.

Sometimes we did not aware that some part of our clothing exposed some part of our body/figure. Some women thought, to cover themselves is just to cover the hair. It is not as simple as that. We have to ensure that every part of our body except face and hands are not visible to other men except for our husband and muhrims.

InsyaAllah we'll continue in another post. Assalamualaikum.